So I don't know about you, but I always think of the end of February and the beginning of March as Spring. Usually, I'm a big fan of the cold, Winter and Autumn months, but these past two years I have been really looking forward to Spring.

Last year, I was walking home from school and as I entered my garden I sort of became aware. Aware of how, for months, the world had seemed dead. Birds hadn't been chirping, the sky had been filled with grey clouds and everything had just been so dull and lifeless.
Yet on this bright day in the end of February, it seemed as though the world had awakened from a long beauty sleep. And boy, had it woken up more beautiful. The sky was a gorgeous shade of blue, with a few white fluffy clouds here and there. The birds were cheeping a little happy song, and brightly coloured flowers were starting to show.
It was then that I realised, I love Spring. How the world seems to awaken, how it's a new start for life to grow and be beautiful.

I view Spring as a new start; for the animals, for the plants and for me. It's time to reinvent yourself, do something you desperately want to do.
Winter is over, and it's time to get out there and show the world what you're made of!
How about you? Do you like Spring? Tell me what you think about this glorious season in the comments below.
See you later!