Monday, 8 September 2014

August Favourites!

Helloooooo! So, if you check my blog regularly or read any of my posts you will know I am supposed to post on Fridays. And today is Monday. If you have been waiting for this (which I doubt you have) I'm sorry. *pouty face* Anyway, here are my August Favourites! Also I'm really excited for September because I have a lot of posts for you guyssss! Anyway here we go!

My first favourite is the batiste dry shampoo in blush. I really like this one as not only does it smell nice, but it it makes me hair appear clean and soft. Also I think the smaller size is perfect for popping in your school bag or your handbag.

(Sorry for weird angle xD) This cleanser has been a life saver for me. Recently my skin has been really oily and this has helped heaps. I use it every morning and every night and since I've been using this I've noticed a huge difference. I would definitely recommend this to anyone suffering with oily skin.

Sticking with the No7 products, I have really been enjoying using this hand cream. I find my hands can get very dry but since I've been using this they have been a lot more moisturised. It's not too sticky and dries quite quickly. I really love this and will definitely be using it all up :)

My next favourite is a lip product. This is a Revlon lip butter in the colour 045 Cotton Candy. I really like this colour as it's a shimmery baby pink colour and I think it's perfect. Also, I find it really moisturising and have been using it every day.

This shower gel smells UH-MAY-ZING! It smells so good and once I've used it I find the smell stays with me for a long time. Also, it foams up really easily and is really soft on the skin. I just love using this as it cleans and makes me smell amazebeans.

The next product (which I forgot to take a picture of so here is one from the internet) is the Soap and Glory Body Butter. This body butter smells really good and moistures amazingly. From the very first time I used this I noticed a huge difference. It feels really soft on the skin and left my skin feeling soft for, honestly, two to three days. This is a miracle product!

Another Soap & Glory product I have been loving recently is the pulp friction body scrub. This, again, smells really good and leaves my skin feeling really soft. I'm not usually a big fan of body scrubs but I have completely fallen in love with this one.

This perfume has become one of my favourites. It's the Kyline Minogue 'Darling'. I'm really bad at describing smells but it just makes me feel warm and fuzzy on the inside. I have had a few comments on how good I smell since I've started using this and it makes me feel really confident.

My last favourite is this Tresseme Salon Silk conditioner. This conditioner makes my hair feel super soft and silky. I admit I do use a lot of it, but it makes my hair really shiny and I love it. I don't use the shampoo as I find it makes my hair really thick but I will definitely be repurchasing the conditioner as it's amazing.

So that is the end of my favourites post. Join me next week for another fun blog post. If you want to see what I'm doing daily, follow my instagram and twitter: eleanxrmarie

stay beautiful babes ily x