Thursday, 1 January 2015

New Year, New Me?

New Year, New me. That's what everybody says at this time of year. At the beginning of each New Year we tell ourselves it's a new beginning, time to 'better' ourselves and improve our lives. We make promises to ourselves about some things we are going to do in the New Year. 

However, I don't know about you but each year I set myself an entire list of impossible resolutions that I never achieve. 

This year, I've decided to only set myself 3 achievable New Years resolutions and I'm going to share them with you today. 

1. Become fitter and healthier. 

2. Be more confident and put myself forward for more things, especially things that put me out of my comfort zone. 

3. Be more organised. 

If you're reading this, comment below 3 New Years resolutions you're going to try and achieve in 2015. In a year, I'll report back to you and tell you guys whether I've managed to achieve these or not. 

Hope you all had a great 2014 and an even better 2015! ily xo. 


  1. 1) get fitter
    2) be more organised
    3) say yes to trying new things
    Please can you check out my blog, I've just uploaded a new post x

    1. Those are good resolutions :) and yes of course x
